Thursday, April 15, 2010

Obama only Partially Socialist

With tax season coming to close, my thoughts began to turn to how unsocialistic Obama may be. Perhaps a far fetched idea, but hear me out.
If you were filing your taxes in 1800, the process would be extremely simple, you wouldn’t because there were no income taxes until 1913, and even then, you would only pay taxes if you were in the top 1% of wealthy people. Over the years, the government has taken advantage of income tax and taxed everyone to the point that “tax freedom day” was sometime in May, in other words, you spent half the year working for Uncle Sam, and the other half of the year paying off your credit cards from Christmas past.
Over the last few years, there have been more and more tax credits available to the point that many people get their money back. In fact, and average family of four, filing jointly, and making $50,000 would essentially not be paying any income taxes. How you may ask?
Consider this: With the standard deduction and four personal exemptions, only $24,000 would be taxable, which means they would pay $2,769 in federal income taxes. Child tax credits would give you $1,000 per child and the Making Work Pay credit would give you another $800. After these credits, you just made $31 for filing your taxes.
It is estimated that more than half of the households filing for taxes won’t be paying any federal income tax.
Now you’re probably asking yourself how this makes Obama less socialistic.
Under pure capitalism, if you made $50,000, you would take home $50,000. Under the current tax laws, if you make $50,000, you would take home $50,000. A good portion of it changes hands about a dozen times, but in the end, you get your money back.
So instead of saying that Obama is socialist, I would say he is only socialist to the 25% of the people who sit at the top of the money-making totem pole. So he is only about 25% socialist.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Census Pt. 2

In response to my previous blog, an acquaintance of mine shared with me the source of his knowledge of the unconstitutional nature of the census. Since it is almost as reputable as wikipedia, I will include the youtube video:

En lieu of the video, I will simply make light of the situation since there isn’t much more to say now that we have all filled out the census, and realize that these census conspiracy kooks have been silenced.

I believe I must have only received the first two pages of the census because I don’t recall them asking any personal questions. Apparently our unreliable mail system needs to be revamped. I’m glad they are using GPS to track me down to fix the snail mail problem.

But what I don’t understand is that if they wanted to know how many cars were in my driveway, wouldn’t it be easier to go to the DMV, since it is run by the government anyway?

And if they wanted to know my level of income, wouldn’t it be easier to contact the IRS since it too is run by the government? But then again, who am I to say that I have common sense? I’m not Thomas Payne.

The unfortunate observation that I have concluded is that these people are so caught up in their eccentric ways that despite being proven exceptionally wrong with the census, they are still willing to put more faith in their fearless leader on youtube than they do in the Man in the sky. Once again, I’m not Thomas Payne.