Sunday, August 30, 2009

Poor class, middle class, rich class, and the fourth class

How many of you have had the opportunity to observe someone who is part of the ever-growing dolt class? People of this class is sprinkled throughout each of the social classes, but eventually become permanent fixtures of the poor class because of their own self-stupidity. In all likelihood, you know someone who is reaping the benefits of their own foolishness, or you know someone who is in that process.

The dolt class is the guy who rides his bike to the convenient store everyday to buy a lottery ticket because he can’t afford to buy a car.

The dolt class is the guy who goes from riches to rags, then back to riches, then back to rags. Donald Trump.

The dolt class is the person who pulls out all their money from investments to retire early and buys a bunch of overpriced wasteland in Southern Utah, then tries to resell it for the same price in the middle of a recession.

The dolt class may or may not count their pennies, but where the pennies go after that is unknown.

The dolt class somehow got a job, but that paycheck was spent four months ago.

The dolt class isn’t necessarily a victim of their monetary maladroit, but rather their logical ineptitude.

One poor judgment doesn’t enshrine one into this prestigious class, but a series of ill-advised decisions simply immortalize this class’s distinctiveness.

These are the rich that fail to get richer, and the poor that get poorer.

These are the eight out of 10 NFL players who go broke within two years of retirement.

These are the people who buy season tickets to see the Mariners, yet complain about the overpaid baseball players.

These are the people who prevent this country from being the wealthiest and most productive country in the world.

These are the people who, upon reading this, tell themselves that they aren’t a part of this social stratum, then play World of Warcraft for the next 10 hours.

In essence, if financial progression is not numbered with your personal objectives, you are probably a part of this ever self-oppressed society called the dolt class.

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